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How to Boost Loyalty and Target Customers on the Right Channel Using Omni-Channel Personalization

Capabilities used: Exponea Core, Omni‑Channel Orchestration, Real‑Time Customer Predictions

Setup time: Novice 60 min / Advanced user 25 min

Reading time: 15 min


Customers today use multiple platforms to interact with companies. Guiding them with personalized messages sent only to their preferred digital channels eliminates redundant communication, improves engagement, and can even result in more efficient marketing spend. Exponea’s Omni-Channel Orchestration significantly enhances opportunities to acquire and build loyalty by delivering unified customer experiences across all digital channels. Marketers can easily implement this to target customers with personalized messages that are relevant to their online behavior in real-time, and can even take the probability of future actions into consideration. This use case shows how all of this — personalization, predictive analytics, and more — can be easily implemented by marketers using a single platform for activation across several channels, including email and paid ads.


This guide will help you understand:

  1. 1.Who should care about this use case?
  2. 2.Challenges that this use case solves
  3. 3.Direct results and business impact of this use case
  4. 4.How does it work?
  5. 5.Business example
Part 1

Who should care about this use case?

Part 2

Challenges that this use case solves

Delivering a unified customer experience: Marketing teams often use several different platforms to reach customers (e.g. an email automation tool, a tool for SMS and push notifications, and completely different platforms for ads). In most cases, these platforms do not communicate with each other. This makes it difficult to deliver a consistent customer experience. This use case shows how companies can use a single platform to combine all data so customers receive the right message on the right channel, that’s relevant to the lifecycle stage that they’re in, no matter where they previously engaged with the company.

Optimizing marketing spend. When teams use multiple platforms that do not communicate with one another, each one ends up having their own database of customers that sometimes overlap. This could mean that someone you’re paying to retarget on Facebook is probably already active on email. So you’re wasting money on someone who is already engaged with you, leading to inefficiencies in spend.

Time and effort spent training on multiple platforms required to implement all marketing functionalities can be eliminated by using a single easy-to-use platform like Exponea.

Connecting offline with online. A lot of ecommerce companies do not have the ability to follow up on offline transactions with online marketing tactics like product recommendations. Exponea’s omni-channel orchestration can help with that.

Extending AI and machine learning capabilities to all digital platforms. Exponea’s omni-channel orchestration has real-time behavioral targeting and predictive audiences built-in for use on multiple platforms like email, paid media, SMS, and webhook integrations.

Cross-channel personalization: Exponea’s AI-based product recommendations can be used not just for email but also for SMS, push notifications, and web-layers.

Part 3

Direct results and business impact of this use case

Improved efficiency:

Instead of having multiple applications that do not communicate with each other, Exponea’s easy-to-use omnichannel features let you visualize and execute campaigns in a single place by combining customer data and website behavior derived from multiple sources.

Increased customer loyalty:

Customers are offered a connected, seamless experience across all channels, no matter where they previously engaged with the company. This leads to better brand recall and happier customers.

Decreased marketing costs:

Predicting a customer’s likelihood of purchase helps in creating high-intent audiences for retargeting and lookalike modeling that results in increased ROI. Further, understanding what channel a customer is most active on helps with including or excluding them from other paid channels so you’re only spending where necessary.

Increased engagement:

AI-based real-time targeting and 1:1 personalization will result in better open and click-through rates and ultimately, higher conversion rates.

Part 4

How does it work?

This multifaceted goal can be achieved using the following Exponea features:


Scenarios set the stage for all marketing activation on Exponea. Decide when to trigger a scenario, add channels through which you want to connect with customers, perform A/B tests, and add customer segments to create a completely customized marketing path using simple drag-and-drop elements.


Predictions use AI and machine learning to predict the probability of future customer behavior (like a purchase) to a high degree of certainty based on data collected from multiple sources. This is done in real-time which means that the probability is continually recalculated and updated as the customer interacts more with your company. One example: customers can be segmented into highly likely to convert, less likely to convert, and not likely to convert, and this information can be used to determine who should be targeted with email or paid ads. Exponea offers several pre-built models as well as the option to create custom prediction models.


Recommendations in Exponea automatically deliver personalized content to customers based on factors such as previous browsing history, offline purchases, predefined rules, or machine learning. Marketers can create a dynamic recommendations ‘block’ and pull that into email templates to create highly relevant personalized content.

Retargeting using ads

Exponea offers a built-in integration for Facebook and Google Ads (Search, Gmail, and YouTube). This enables the creation of a custom audience list on Facebook based on matching customer info in Exponea. This can then be used to create sophisticated audiences for lookalike targeting or to retarget customers who might not have visited your website for a while.

Part 5

Business example

Ecommerce company wants to boost customer loyalty while keeping ad spend low by offering a unified customer experience across channels

Business need

A martech savvy ecommerce company in the US utilizes several digital platforms to acquire and retarget customers. They also have a few brick and mortar stores and run offline marketing activations to engage with the community. They want to increase customer loyalty by offering a seamless experience for customers, no matter when, where, or how they interact with the company.

Marketing need

The marketing team has identified that it needs to:

Connect offline with online data to create a single source of truth for customer info

Find a way to personalize content uniformly across all digital channels

Identify the channels that each customer prefers so they are targeted only there and not repeatedly served the same message everywhere

Identify which customers are likely/unlikely to convert through paid media so as to lower ad spend

Marketing challenge

The team currently has different teams running Facebook & Google ads, email campaigns, and offline campaigns. Audience details for each channel are separate from one another and it would take a lot of time and effort to manually combine, compare and cross-check all of it.

How Exponea can help

The company can easily achieve these goals using Omni-Channel Personalization with Exponea.

The company needs to first integrate internal loyalty data with Exponea to track offline purchases.

The marketing team then sets up a Scenario that is triggered whenever there is an offline purchase.

Now, the team can use the pre-built Purchase Prediction model which calculates a purchase probability value for each customer and stores it as a customer-attribute that is updated in real-time.

The team then uses the probability of purchase as a condition to identify customers with high purchase intent.

They are then sent an Email Campaign that can have a subject line that is personalized with the customer name or product that they’re interested in.

When the Scenario is triggered, the Email Campaign will refer to Recommendations to populate the template with 1:1 personalized content.

An example: the content can show ‘personalized recommendations for you’ based on the receiver’s most recent purchase and browsing history. Taking this one step further, we can first segment our audience into high-, mid- and low-value customers based on the value of the last purchase, and then use recommendations to offer relevant products that are within their budget.

Now, after a few days the team can check if a purchase was made or not. If no purchase was made, the team can choose to check-in with the customer again on the channel that they’re most engaged on.

To achieve this, customers are first segmented based on their email open or click rates. If the customer is found to be highly engaged over email, they are sent another email. If they have low email engagement, they can be retargeted on Facebook or Google Ads.


By connecting offline and online, customers can pick up where they left off, irrespective of the marketing channel, resulting in better retention and loyalty.
Engaging with the customer on their preferred channel also bolsters retention and repeat visits.

By identifying which customers are active on email, the company need not spend advertising budget on those who are already actively engaged with their email campaigns. This results in a more efficient ad spend.

All content is personalized and hyper-relevant to each individual customer. This also created more opportunities for upselling and increased revenue.

To take advantage of any variant of this use case in your company, please reach out to us at

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